regular issue vs. special issue of a journal

Journal's Special Issue VS Regular Issue

Today, more and more researchers are interested in contributing to and engaging with special issues in academic journals since they are sure such editions provide the unique benefits and opportunities. Is it really so? What does it mean journal's special issue, and is it the perfect solution for a researcher who is going to submit the manuscript? Let’s discuss.

A journal special issue refers to a focused and curated collection of articles or papers that are grouped together within a single edition of an academic or scholarly journal. These articles are all centered around a specific theme, topic, or subject of interest. The purpose of creating a special issue is to delve deeply into a particular area of research, exploration, or inquiry, providing readers with a comprehensive and multifaceted understanding of the chosen subject.

Now we will analyze how special issue works.

Theme Selection

Selecting the right topic for a journal special issue is a crucial and strategic process that requires careful consideration and alignment with the goals of the journal, the interests of the readership, and the current trends within the field of study. The editors of the journal decide on a specific theme or topic that they believe is of significant interest and relevance to their readership. This theme could be a recent development, emerging trends, a specific subfield, or any other subject matter deemed important within the journal's scope.

Call for Papers

A Call for Papers announcement is a crucial step in the process of organizing a journal special issue. It serves as an invitation to researchers, scholars, experts, and practitioners to submit their original research articles, review papers, or other scholarly contributions for consideration to be included in the special issue. The announcement outlines the theme, scope, submission guidelines, deadlines, and other relevant information related to the special issue.

Submission and Peer Review

Submission in a journal special issue refers to the process through which researchers, scholars, and experts submit their original research articles, review papers, or other scholarly contributions for consideration to be included in the special issue of an academic or scholarly journal. This process involves adhering to specific guidelines outlined in the Call for Papers announcement and ensuring that the submitted manuscripts meet the criteria set by the guest editors and the journal’s editorial team. The submitted papers then undergo a peer-review process, where experts in the field review the quality, validity, and significance of the research presented in the manuscripts.


Once the peer-review process is completed and the accepted papers have been revised based on feedback, the selected papers are published together as a special issue within the journal. This special issue usually includes an introductory or editorial article written by the guest editor(s) or the journal's editorial team, which provides an overview of the theme and context for the included articles.

Promotion and Distribution

The journal promotes the special issue to its readership, subscribers, and the broader academic community. Special issues can attract attention and recognition within the field due to their focused content.

Impact and Influence

Special issues contribute to the advancement of knowledge by consolidating a collection of high-quality research articles on a specific topic. They can provide a comprehensive view of current research trends and developments within a particular area of study.


Special issues are usually archived within the journal and are accessible for future reference. Researchers and students can refer to these special issues to gain insights into the state of research on a particular topic at a specific point in time.

Regular vs. Special issue pros and cons

Are there any advantages of special issues?

Publishing in special issues holds several compelling benefits that attract researchers, scholars, and experts within academia and various fields. They include the following:

Focused Exploration. Special issues allow for an in-depth exploration of a specific theme, topic, or subject. By concentrating on a particular area of research, special issues provide comprehensive insights and discussions that can advance the understanding of a specialized field.

Timely Coverage. Special issues can address timely and emerging trends, ensuring that the latest research and developments on a specific topic are highlighted and discussed in a consolidated manner.

Expertise Showcasing. Special issues often attract leading researchers and experts in the field. This concentration of expertise can lead to higher-quality contributions and greater visibility for the authors and guest editors involved.

Collaboration and Networking. The collaborative nature of a special issue, involving guest editors, authors, and peer reviewers, fosters networking and collaboration among researchers with shared interests.

Focused Promotion. Special issues draw attention from researchers interested in the theme, as well as from the broader academic community and relevant industries. This targeted promotion can lead to increased visibility and citation rates for the published articles.

Addressing Gaps. Special issues often aim to address gaps in knowledge or emerging areas of interest within a field. By focusing on such gaps, they contribute to the advancement of research and understanding.

Can a regular issue be better?

At the same time, regular issues have some advantages as well. They concern:

Diverse Coverage. Regular issues cover a wide range of topics within the journal’s scope, offering a diverse selection of research articles that cater to the varied interests of the journal’s readership.

Balanced Perspective. Regular issues provide a balanced and well-rounded view of the field by presenting research across various subjects. This ensures that readers are exposed to a broad spectrum of research findings and discussions.

Continuous Flow of Information. Regular issues are published on a recurring schedule, which means that readers have a steady flow of new research to engage with throughout the year.

Wide Audience Reach. Because regular issues cover a variety of topics, they can attract a broader readership. Researchers with diverse interests within the journal's scope can find relevant articles in each issue.

Freshness of Research. Regular issues showcase the most current research across various subjects. They provide a platform for researchers to share their latest findings with the academic community.

Holistic Understanding. Regular issues offer readers an opportunity to see how different research topics interconnect and contribute to the broader understanding of a field.

Flexibility for Authors. Researchers can submit their work to regular issues without the constraints of a predefined theme. This flexibility allows for a wider range of research to be published.

Thus, we see that in the dynamic landscape of academic publishing, both journal special issues and regular issues play important roles in advancing knowledge and promoting intellectual exchange. While regular issues offer a diverse array of research spanning various subjects, special issues stand as platforms for focused exploration, oriented towards specific themes. Special issues facilitate the collaboration of experts, address timely trends, and provide a comprehensive resource for researchers seeking in-depth understanding. On the other hand, regular issues offer a holistic view of the field, reflecting a wide range of theme related to the journal’s scope that makes it more interesting for wider audience. Together, these two formats enrich the scholarly discourse, offering a balanced blend of specialization and diversity that inspires academic exploration and discovery.