Our values

We act to make science openly available. We are sure that immediate, open access to high-quality research is essential for further advancement.

Our ultimate idea is to provide open-access publishing and to share the knowledge immediately without restrictions. We enable researchers all around the world to collaborate better and innovate more rapidly. We believe that this contributes to solving the critical problems facing humanity.

Scientists form the core of modern society. They help make it harmonious, sustainable, and innovative. That is why we want to provide scientists with a quality, fast, and efficient publishing experience.

This approach allows us to outline our values that are crucial to achieving our idea.

They are the following:



We do place the researcher at the center of everything we do.


We believe that technology and innovations drive the world. In addition, we are constantly making improvements and supporting ambitious ideas.


We are committed to the highest quality standards.


We build professional communities and encourage working together to achieve the result.


We work efficiently and punctually to achieve results.


All our tools are user-friendly. The editorial process is simple and efficient.


As the publishing environment changes, we are open to adapting or developing new tools and services. In this regard, feedback from authors, editors, and readers is of great importance.