Ethical conduct is the cornerstone of any credible publishing endeavor. At EIKI LTD. (European Institute of Knowledge and Innovation), we uphold the highest standards of publication ethics to guarantee the reliability, transparency, and integrity of the research we disseminate. This comprehensive document outlines our commitment to ethical publishing practices, providing detailed guidance for authors, editors, reviewers, and stakeholders.

As a reputable academic publisher, we recognize the profound impact that scholarly research can have on various disciplines and society at large. Therefore, we are fully committed to upholding the integrity, credibility, and impartiality of our publishing practices.

Overall Ethical Guidelines

  • Honesty and Transparency: All parties involved in the publication process, from authors and reviewers to editors and publishers, must adhere to principles of honesty and transparency. This includes accurate reporting of research findings, clear disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, and the responsible handling of confidential information.
  • Fairness and Objectivity: Peer-review processes must be conducted objectively and fairly, free from bias or discrimination based on factors like race, gender, nationality, or institutional affiliation. Editors and reviewers must assess manuscripts solely on their merit and contribution to the field.
  • Rigor and Accuracy: Research methodologies, data collection, and statistical analysis must be rigorously conducted and reported accurately. Authors are responsible for ensuring the scientific validity and integrity of their work.
  • Plagiarism and Misconduct: Any form of plagiarism, data fabrication or falsification, duplicate publication, or authorship manipulation is strictly prohibited. We hold a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct and will take appropriate action to uphold ethical standards. All manuscript undergoes plagiarism checks using various software platforms (like iThenticate), and manually.

Ethical Guidance for Stakeholders

Journal Editors:

  • Implement robust peer-review processes with qualified and unbiased reviewers.
  • Clearly communicate journal policies and expectations to authors and reviewers.
  • Handle ethical concerns efficiently and fairly, following established guidelines like COPE.
  • Ensure timely publication of accepted manuscripts and facilitate open communication with authors.
  • Maintain confidential reviewer identities while upholding accountability and transparency.


  • Conduct research ethically and obtain necessary approvals and informed consent where applicable.
  • Accurately report research findings and avoid fabrication or manipulation of data.
  • Cite all sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism and give due credit to others' work.
  • Follow authorship guidelines and include only those who made significant contributions.
  • Declare any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research or publication.
  • Respond promptly and constructively to editor and reviewer feedback.


  • Provide objective, constructive, and timely feedback on manuscripts.
  • Maintain confidentiality of the review process and avoid disclosing any sensitive information.
  • Declare any potential conflicts of interest that could compromise the review's objectivity.
  • Focus on the scientific merit and contribution of the work, avoiding personal opinions or biases.
  • Offer suggestions for improvement while respecting the authors' expertise and research direction.

Research Integrity

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs): We strongly encourage authors to obtain IRB approval for research involving human subjects, ensuring ethical treatment and adhering to relevant regulations.

Animal Research: Research involving animals must follow established ethical guidelines and minimize animal suffering.

Data Transparency: Authors should share research data upon reasonable request, promoting research transparency and reproducibility.

Publication Ethics

Predatory Publishing: We actively counter predatory publishing practices that exploit authors for financial gain while providing low-quality publications.

Open Access Ethics: We advocate for responsible open access practices that ensure quality control, transparency, and sustainable publishing models.

Retractions and Corrections: We take responsibility for correcting errors and retracting fraudulent or unethical publications, maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record.

Authorship and Plagiarism

Authorship Attribution: Authors must follow established authorship guidelines, including the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria, ensuring that only those who made significant contributions are listed as authors.

Ghostwriting and Guest Authorship: Ghostwriting and guest authorship practices are strictly prohibited, as they undermine the integrity of authorship and research contributions.

Plagiarism Detection: We utilize advanced plagiarism detection software (iThenticate) to identify and address any instances of plagiarism, upholding copyright and intellectual property rights. Additionally, we also use manual checking for plagiarism, as we realize the limitations of software platforms. Moreover, we strictly check that images and charts are not plagiarized.

Papermills and Why They Are Unwelcome

Papermills: These entities provide fraudulent research services, including fabricated data, ghostwriting, and fake peer reviews, which erode the trust and value of scholarly publications.

Consequences: We actively identify and reject manuscripts associated with papermills, protecting the integrity of our publications, and safeguarding the research community.

Kindly note that we have that expertise to identify papermills. Even in case, some research articles created by papermills escape initial review, they would be retracted as soon as we learn about them.

AI and Publication Ethics

Transparency and Disclosure: Authors using AI tools in their research must disclose their usage clearly and transparently, including the specific tools and how they were employed.

Authenticity and Originality: The use of AI should not compromise the authenticity and originality of the research or lead to plagiarism concerns.

Ethical Considerations: Authors should consider the ethical implications of using AI tools, such as potential biases and data privacy concerns.

Kindly note: Responsibility for any research lies with authors. We do not accept AI as an author. Further, if we detect that the text has been created by AI with authors using “copy and paste”, we would not publish such a research article, or such research article may be retracted!

How We Handle Allegations of Misconduct

Reporting Mechanisms: We provide clear and accessible mechanisms for reporting suspected misconduct, including a dedicated portal or email address. All complaints are treated confidentially and investigated thoroughly.

Investigation Process: We follow established guidelines like COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) recommendations when investigating allegations of misconduct. This includes gathering evidence, reviewing the case with an impartial committee, and communicating with all parties involved.

Potential Outcomes: Depending on the severity and evidence presented, potential outcomes of misconduct investigations could include retraction of published articles, corrections, termination of editorial appointments, or further action through relevant professional bodies.

Appeals Process: We provide a fair appeals process for individuals who disagree with the outcome of an investigation.

Commitment to COPE Guidelines

EIKI LTD. (European Institute of Knowledge and Innovation) firmly adheres to the ethical guidelines established by COPE. We actively participate in relevant initiatives and regularly update our policies and procedures to ensure alignment with best practices in publication ethics. By upholding these standards, we contribute to a more trustworthy and reliable research ecosystem, fostering scientific progress and innovation.

Additional Resources

Note: This document serves as a general overview of our commitment to publication ethics. Please refer to our website or contact us directly for specific policies and procedures related to authorship, peer review, conflict of interest disclosure, and other key aspects of ethical publishing.

Instructions for reviewers

Reviewers are usually academicians, experts, and practitioners in a certain field that evaluate the quality of the manuscript.

We, like other publishers, include peer-reviewing in the manuscript submission guidelines.

Reviewers verify the scientific content of the article and provide the author with a comprehensive analysis called a reviewer’s report.

According to the EIKI standards, the reviewer’s report contains the recommendations of one of the following actions to the editor:

  • Accept in present form
  • Accept after minor revisions
  • Accept after major revisions
  • Reject with possible resubmission
  • Reject

Peer reviewing usually takes up to 6 weeks. However, we generally expect reviewers to not take more than 2 weeks. However, certain manuscripts may require longer, and reviewing time-frames by no means should adversely impact the review process. Thus, reviewers are ultimately free to carry out review processes within timelines they think are right.

Peer reviewers are responsible for critical reading of the manuscript and evaluating it from a scientific perspective.

Before you start reviewing the manuscript, consider the following:

  • Decide whether the article matches your field of expertise. If the research reveals an unknown topic for you, please inform the editor.
  • You have 21 days to complete the review (as already mentioned, it can be exceeded in specific conditions). If you do not have time, please inform the editor.
  • You are obliged to disclose all conflicts of interest to the editor.

When you review the manuscript, pay attention to the following:

  • Content quality and originality of the information

The article must present innovative material and be interesting for the reader. Also, evaluate the manuscript’s originality and appropriateness for the journal scope.

  • Title

Decide whether the title clearly describes the manuscript.

  • Abstract

The abstract must reflect the content of the article, in short, present the aim of the research, methods, and scientific and practical importance.

  • Organization and clarity

The article must contain all the sections, and the author must present the information accurately and clearly.

  • Methodology

The methods used by the author should be effective and valuable for the research.

  • Objectives

The author must outline the objectives of the research clearly and logically.

  • Results

The reviewer must comment on the credibility of the results and describe their clarity in the manuscript.

  • Scientific contribution

Describe the research contribution with a focus on the theoretical or practical aspect.

  • Quality of writing

Analyze the manuscript from the point of view of focus, development, unity, coherence, and correctness.

  • Other criteria of reviewer’s choice

This can refer to tables, figures, and images. First, decide whether illustrative material shows the data properly. Also, find if the reader can interpret or understand the research easily.

Also, we ask a reviewer to outline the advantages and disadvantages of the article and indicate how the author can improve it.

Finally, we ask you to rate the following:

  • Originality
  • Contribution to the field
  • Technical quality
  • Clarity of writing
  • Depth of the research
  • References

For rating use five-point scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Poor, 1 = Unsatisfactory.

Reviewers obtain some advantages when they agree to participate in peer reviewing. They are the following:

It is an important stage of your career development.

You are aware of the latest results in a certain field.

You will get a Certificate of appreciation from EIKI honoured by the Editor-in-Chief.

Reviewers will get top priority in all the scientific events organized by EIKI.

Rapid publishing of your research.

10 % discount on Article Processing Charges for each completed peer review. The discounts add up, and a reviewer may get a 100 % discount on Article Processing Charge if publishing your article in EIKI journals.

Reviewers will get promoting all the manuscripts they published in EIKI journals.

Instructions for journal editors

The editorial Team plays an important role in journal management and helps maintain the journals’ quality. Editors contribute to the journal’s successful development and its scientific growth. The editor is responsible for the journal content, and his/her decision is crucial for publishing the article.

Once the manuscript is submitted, an editor evaluates its quality and decides whether it suits the journal’s scope. If the editor finds that the subject is not appropriate or the manuscript is poorly written, the research is rejected without further processing. It is called desk rejection.

If the editor’s decision is to submit the research, then the manuscript goes to a minimum of 2 external reviewers for peer-reviewing. Usually, the decision is made within 3-5 days.

Also, EIKI editor should:

  • Suggests new and innovative ideas for the journal improvement and publishing special issues;
  • Enhance the journal standards;
  • Writes Editorial article once a year;
  • Encourage publications of high-quality peer-reviewed articles inviting authors;
  • Be involved in the peer-review process, ensuring that the procedure is of high standards;
  • Assign manuscripts to at least two reviewers who are experts in a certain field;
  • Communicate with reviewers on a regular basis and check their availability;
  • Help authors enhance the impact of their article;
  • Make sure that the manuscript is original and not plagiarized;
  • Provides decisions on submitted articles based on their novelty and quality;
  • Provide authors with feedback on their article;
  • Maintain friendly relations with other editors and reviewers;
  • Be aware of data protection policy and confidentiality ethics;
  • Be unbiased to gender, race, religious or political beliefs of the authors;

We are sure that joining us as an editorial team member has some advantages. They include:

  • It is an important stage of your career development.
  • Certificate of appreciation from EIKI honoured by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Editors will get top priority in all the scientific events organized by EIKI.
  • Rapid publishing of your research.
  • 50 % off on Article Processing Charges for publishing of your articles in EIKI journals.
  • Active editors can be promoted as Editor-in-Chief for a certain journal.
  • Editors will get promoting all the manuscripts they published in EIKI journals.
EIKI Open Access Policy

EIKI LTD. (European Institute of Knowledge and Innovation) Open Access Policy

EIKI LTD. is committed to the principle of open access, ensuring the immediate and barrier-free availability of all peer-reviewed research articles published in our journals. We believe that knowledge should be freely accessible to everyone, regardless of their institutional affiliation, geographic location, or financial resources.

Immediate Open Access

Upon publication, all articles in EIKI LTD. journals are openly accessible. This means that the full text of each article, including the PDF, is available on the journal website free of charge. No subscriptions or access fees are required.


EIKI LTD. journals utilize open access licenses that permit users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles, and use them for any lawful purpose, provided that the original author and source are properly cited. The specific license used varies depending on the journal, but commonly includes Creative Commons (CC) licenses such as CC BY (Attribution).

Commitment to Open Access

EIKI LTD. strongly believes that open access is essential for advancing scientific knowledge and accelerating progress. We are committed to upholding this principle by ensuring immediate and unrestricted access to all research published in our journals.

This policy is effective immediately and applies to all articles published in EIKI LTD. journals. We encourage authors, readers, and other stakeholders to support and promote open access for the benefit of the scientific community and society as a whole.

Open access explanation

Open Access (OA) means that all the articles are freely available without any charge to the reader or the educational/scientific institution.

Users registered on the journal site are allowed to read, cite, download, distribute, or print whole texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without financial barriers or asking for preliminary permission from the author(s) or publisher.

To compare, subscription journals allow access to articles requiring payment, which is usually referred to as an individual or institutional subscription fee. In addition, one cannot download, share, or distribute the article without permission from the copyright holder.

Open-access journals benefits

Many academicians and practitioners highly appreciate open access policy as it has many advantages compared to subscription journals. The benefits include:

  • Provides free citation and international visibility of citations as citations are the most important aspect of the research itself, its dissemination and evaluation of findings;
  • Covers the larger audience, including scientists in developing countries, non-profit organization workers, students, and enthusiasts;
  • Contributes to recognition by many funding agencies;
  • Enhances the impact of research internationally;
  • Increase of world scientific communication and boost scholar's international profile;
  • Free and fast access to new knowledge and innovative ideas.


Open access legislature:

EIKI's Open access policy is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) in 2001.

You are welcome to find further information by visiting:

  • The Directory of Open Access Journals website, where user's rights and the terms of copyright are explained (;
  • the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities has become an international statement on open access and access to knowledge aimed at dissemination of knowledge (;
  • the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science that was signed to provide full open access for all scientific publications and to elaborate new approaches towards knowledge reuse, assessment, and evaluation (;
  • the Vienna Principles: A Vision for Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century is a set of 12 principles representing the basis of the future academic communication system. The principles include the following:
    1. Accessibility,
    2. Discoverability,
    3. Reusability,
    4. Reproducibility,
    5. Transparency,
    6. Understandability,
    7. Collaboration,
    8. Quality,
    9. Evaluation,
    10. Validated progress,
    11. Innovation
    12. Public good (;
  • The Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity is aimed at research communities, scientific platforms, research institutions, and publishing houses to implement an efficient scientific publishing open access scheme (