As a budding scholar, you need to get your study published in an academic journal. When you start looking for a good or high impact journal, you might see many terms that may not make much sense to you. For example, you may frequently see journals mentioning that they are open-access. But, you might wonder, what is the difference between open access and traditional academic journals?
It is worth understanding that these are two very different academic journal publication approaches, each with its pros and cons.
Open access is a newer approach and is considered better than the traditional approach to scholarly publishing. The open access publication approach has been made possible mainly by the internet. Such an approach to science or art journals publishing would not have been possible in the pre-internet era.
For example, the European Institute of Knowledge and Innovation uses open access publishing model, and it publishes many science and art, high impact journals.
Read more: Open Access vs. Traditional Academic Journals Pros and Cons